Monthly Archives: December 2006

some new music

Since my husband got me an iPOD for Christmas… I only just figured out what the heck they were!!

I have been downloading itunes… just a few…

A new favorite artist from IHOP Misty Edwards… I downloaded a whole album!! I usually only do a couple of songs so that is a splurge for me!! I am really enjoying her vulnerable lyrics.  I hope to bring some of them into our worship servicel

Also new for our band this upcoming month:

Shane and Shane’s Be Near and Yearn… (amazing)

David Crowder No One Like You

Charlie Hall   Marvelous LIght

Passion Majesty

Does anyone have some suggestions of some favorites your church does, or just some favorites??? I am always interested in hearing how God speaks through musicians to different people!!

And then there was Christmas Eve (which includes house pics!)

after watching the PBS special the night before with Renee Fleming in Germany… (it was fabulous, by the way, but what of Renee Fleming is NOT fabulous!!  Even the kids really enjoyed it, operatic though it was)

AND being up far too late, trying to get things done that needed to get done so we could just relax the next day, which of course didn’t exactly happen…

AND then having a horrible tummy ache from left over ham an bean soup for TWO hours in the middle of the night, I was SO SO tired when the kids came into our bed… Keenan disappears for aminute then comes back, in his LOUDEST stage whisper (so as not to wake the dog) Santa was here!!! i felt all our stockings, and there is stuff in them!!!

so we dragged ourselves up, lit all the pretty candles and turned the Christmas lights on, put the cinnamon rolls I mad the night before in the oven… grabbed some coffee… and opened stockings.  I am so thankful they didn’t seem to notice that Santa wraps presents in the SAME paper mommy does!!  I am not too good about being careful, since they don’t REALLY believe it anyway… Oh I am so confused… I just try to follow Keenan’s lead… not spoil his fantasy, yet not lead him on either!!

EVERYTHING they got out this is how the conversation would go:
   K:  "OH, another present that is wrapped"
   Th: "Me too!"

    K: "OH its my FAVORITE (fill in the blank) EVER!! I love it!!"
    Th: "Its my favorite too!!  I love it!!"

Here is the lovely LR… notice the curtains I picked out at the beginning of December… I just love them.  burgundy, rust, purple, some yellow… very shimmery and bohemianish.  The door on the right is a large closet that backs up to the MBR hot tub (that doesn’t work)  We inherited this couch from someone… we are such scavengers!!   Our coffee table we are storing for our pastor, who inherited it from someone but it doesn’t fit in their house… so we get it for now!

IF ONLY we could have found our plug in for the video camera, we could have had it charged and been videoing… but alas… could not find it ANYWHERE!!

followed by breakfast, where K: "Mommy, you make the best cinnamon rolls in the world!"  please note our Jesse Tree ornaments hanging up over the archway thingy…and go ahead and note all the the shiny wallpaper… where are the unicorn pictures when you need them!!

and presents under the tree… (this pic is taken from the kitchen… the entry way is directly to my right) – we are looking thru the dining room into the sun room

They were really great this year, as far as saying thank you, and looking / waiting for others when they opened theirs, saying thank you when it was from us, or brother… (great improvement from last year, mom and dad!!! )

then there was playing of new games, etc. and…. ONCE MORE… otu to shovel the huge amount of fresh fallen snow… 2 hours later (longer for Bryan) we came in to eat the ham / cheese rolls I had made the night before also, and finish getting ready for the Christmas Eve service… we were ready…

Here is the sun room… I am standing in the center kind of … so you’ll miss the middle section… yes it is that big!  to the left is the dining room….

(looking the other direction…  Keenan’s book case on the right… directly to my right you can’t see our desk… to my left the second set of large huge picture windows, and the book shelf keeps their chapter books and puzzles and whatever else.  There is a tiny TV for their use and the truck bin the shelf high in the wall is for our  games and stuff.  Its a fun room… SO much light and beautiful views.)

EXCEPT as the first people arrived, and I greeted them…. I realized I was STILL in my pajama bottoms!! oops!! yes, I shovelled snow in my PJ’s… but I had snow pants on top, so its not like you noticed or anything!!

The service was lovely, short, lots of singing, a nice communion, then we put the kids to bed and watched some corny dumb movie on TV while folding laundry…

Of course we had one more present to prepare… you’ll appreciate this Dad… separating habanero powder and jalepeno powder into separate jars for every one… yes, the men in Bryan’s family and extended family LOVE LOVE hot food!!!  Here is Bryan… yes its a mask!! and it still got in his throat and nose!!

Day before Christmas Eve…/ Day

Bryan has this weekend off, SO our Christmas celebrations were Saturday and Sunday… leaving Monday night after work for the in-laws to celebrate with… EXTENDED Christmas… yes the best kind really!  (SO, Rachel, I am FINE with your package arriving a month late!! really!! )

Bryan had the most fabulous idea, which will become a new monthly-at-least tradition, to go to our local Kaladi Bros in the morning.  They just expanded into a good size space, with lots of tables, so we brought along a big bag of games to play with the kids, and bought them a cinnamon roll to share, we had special lattes!!! mmmmmmmmmmmm and a blueberrry scone… and we played games with the kids for two hours…

Sadly enough, I hardly ever do that!!  we will play for a little while but then the phone rings, or I have something to do , or whatever.  SO it was a great time, even with a water spill, a coffee spill, and wet  pants

THEN we went grocery shopping for some things we needed… all of us… which I always enjoy, though we always take FOREVER, since Bryan and I have to discuss new recipes while we shop and everything else!!

Home… the kids were too tired to want lunch, so we napped them, which then of course meant that Daddy needed a nap!!   and me… I mosied around and did… stuff.. prepared for Christmas…. the next day for us, and the Christmas Eve service to be at our house the next evening…

And then Daddy took the boys outside to build a snow cave with the large amounts of snow that have been falling over us!! Here’s a pic of the kids helping Dad shovel the walkway from the driveway down below, to the front door up above…

And here is the snow cave… aka, plastic house covered with  snow… they have so far had a wonderful time playing in it, although it isn’t yet what Daddy has envisioned!!! 🙂

I’ll post Christmas pics later… the kids are watching the Disney parade on TV in their underwear… so I had better get them dressed so we can go have a Christmas visit with Daddy at the hospital.

The Divine Hours – highlights for me today

The Call to Prayer
Proclaim with me the greatness of the LORD;* let us exalt his Name together.
Psalm 34:3

The Request for Presence
Open my eyes, that I may see* the wonders of your law.
Psalm 119:18
The Greeting

I will confess you among the peoples, O LORD;* I will sing praise to you among the nations. For your loving-kindness is greater than the heavens,* and your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
Psalm 57:9–10

The Refrain for the Morning Lessons

Let the sorrowful sighing of the prisoners come before you,* and by your great might spare those who are condemned to die.
Psalm 79:11

Sometimes it is helpful to go here

or here and be blessed by liturgy, ritual, a mix of Scripture for me to read pray and meditate on, timeless prayers from our church fathers, and the sense of unity knowing that there are fellow believers all over the world, praying these prayers, worshipping our God, advancing His Kingdom.

May you experience Him… the One who came to set prisoners FREE, to give life to the dead, to fill our hearts with His joy and peace… who came for ME!!

The Love Chapter for Christmas…

I am borrowing this from Mozart and Mudpies

If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights,

And shiny glass balls, but do not show love,

I am just another decorator.


If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies,

preparing gourmet meals, and arranging a beautifully adorned table,

but do not show love, I’m just another cook.


If I work at the soup kitchen, carol at the nursing home,

and give all that I have to charity, but do not show love to my own family,

it profits me nothing.


If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes,

attend a myriad of holiday parties, and sing in the choir’s cantata,

but do not focus on Christ,

I have missed the point.


Love stops cooking to hug a child. 

Love sets aside the decorating to kiss the spouse.


Love doesn’t envy another home that has coordinated Christmas china

and table linens.


Love doesn’t yell at the kids.


Love doesn’t give only to those who are able to give in return,

but rejoices in giving to those who can’t.


Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,

endures all things.


Love never fails. 


Toys will break; pearl necklaces will be lost; golf cubs will rust.

But giving the gift of love will endure.



Christmas Eve Service

Doing Christmas Eve services is rather new for Bryan and i… this will be our 3rd year… ok we have only been married like 9ish Christmases… but STILL!

I like it though.  We used to collect special foods all years (mustards, sauces, chocolates, things like that) from our travels or occassions… then Christmas Eve we would get them all out, buy a few more fun things, like shrimp, water crackers, some port or wine, and have a fun snacky dinner with the Christmas lights, Christmas music, and the Nativity Story… and then we started inviting people to our little celebration… and NOW… we do a Christmas Eve Service with Souljourn. 🙂

This year, it is in our home… candles, the fireplace lit, music, communion, prayer… it will be a lovely celebration of Christ’s coming for which we have been preparing the month of December.

Although, in regards to the candles, I did have to insist to our pastor that we NOT use the taper candles  with the little cardboardy things around them… I mean sure I’d love new carpet… and a couch… but I’m pretty sure Souljourn can’t pay for them, and we definitely can’t!! I’m picture children / old and young! tripping, tipping, wax everywhere… aagh!!

So we will have tealights in little votive holders… it should work just as nicely, I think.

Last year we met around a dumpster by a one hour motel… being as there was "no room" inside!  It was a very special night – if COLD!!   Plus my parents were here to celebrate with us!

Have a lovely Christmas weekend…

My 3 yr old thinks I'm going to lay an egg!!!!

So, I"m lying with Thaddeus the other night in bed… he wants me to give him "love smashes" – where you lay on top of them and "smash" them over and over with great love

ANYWAY… I told him I couldn’t do it, cause it would hurt my tummy…no not the baby, the baby is in a special place to protect it,  but it wouldn’t make my tummy feel good.

Thaddeus" yeah cause there’s an egg in your tummy, and the baby is in your egg! and when the baby pops out…" SO… there you go.

I’m going to lay an egg in May!!

A litle Christmas info on me…

 1. Eggnog or Hot Chocolate? Eggnog and brandy, but I’m pregnant… SO… eggnog. pastuerized.

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree? He wraps of course

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? white all round, but with the kiddos, I think, the colored will be coming out next year!!

4. Do you hang mistletoe? no… don’t know why!

5. When do you put your decorations up? Day after THanksgiving, or the first day after when Bryan has off work.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Sweet Potatoes… with this amazing pecan / brownsugar topping.  granted there is SO much sugar it is like dessert… but it ISN’T… really!!

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? I remember the Christmas Eve we boated 6 hours, and still couldn’t get all the way home, and hiked the rest of the way… it was just a sweet together Christmas.  We opened the packages and ate treats on the river in amidst the mud a mosquitoes.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? It was just fun… I don’t think I ever believed in him… I mean… if I did, it would have only been for snowy countries, surely!!

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We always opened one family gift.  This year, Christmas Eve will be our Christmas, because Bryan has to work on Christmas Day… and I am NOT opening stockings at 5 in the morning!!!

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? lights, collected ornaments that all tell a story… and an orange yellow and brown Thanksgiving link that my son INSISTED was a Christmas ornament!!

11. Snow! Love it or dread it? love it… BUT I do wish it was only 3 months of the year instead of 7 plus!!!

12. Can you ice skate? yes… not gracefully, but still!

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? no…

14. What’s the most important thing about the holidays for you? being with family, and baking lots and lots of yummy treats.

15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? all things dipped in chocolate, my new favorite, peppermint bark, and a new tradition… sticky date pudding with some ridiculously yummy sauce… Bryan and I had it in Alice Springs!

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? driving around looking at lights, and the setting up of tree and decorations day.  our new tradition this year… the Jesse Tree…

17. What tops your tree? some star looking thing from the ’70’s that used to top Bryan’s tree when he was young…  its kind of cool!!

18. Which do you prefer, giving or receiving? Giving… except I love receiving at my in-laws.  ITs like being a kid again, knowing you will be totally spoiled…

19. What is your favorite Christmas song? O Come O Come Emmanuel… although I guess that is advent.  so O HOly Night
20. Candy canes, yuck or yum? crushed in dark chocolate… YUM!!

Feel free to leave your answers or comments in my inbox, or your link if you fill this in at your place!!!

pregnancy and forgetfulness

I KNOW they say that pregnancy makes you forgetful… and I think I have experienced that in the past… NOTHING so memorable as this time and my refrigerator!!! 

WARNING: to my mother and anyone else who will puke at the thought of all this wasted food!! – as I almost did

Let me just LIST the frightening amount of food wasted at my house… that I can REMEMBER (only those ones that almost made me cry, as oppsed to an “oh bother”)

  • a WHOLE – ENTIRE (in case “whole” didn't get the point across) cooked chicken… we had two, we ate one… and then… yeah. the other one… in the garbage… I FORGOT about a cooked chicken… like one of the easiest meals EVER to prepare!!!
  • chicken broth laboriously made, strained, bones picked, etc from about 8 chicken carcasses… two HUGE tupperwares filled with chicken broth that would need to be diluted to use, even… GONE – WASTED!!! – that one was even a waste of lots of labor on our part!!!
  • our portion of left over turkey from Thanksgiving donated by my mother-in-law… donated by me to the Anchorage Dump… yeah.  I FORGOT it existed!! (we did use it for two days for sandwhiches… it wasn't completely wasted!!) I wanted SO badly to blame this on someone OTHER than me!!
  • half a thingy of bacon
  • reindeer sausage
  • lamb gravy and drippings… more importance on that when you get to the freezer burned lamb in the next section
  • i refuse to dig up in my memory the leftover meals forgotten and thrown out and the vegetables not used and gone rotten – though I do remember an ENTIRE head of cauliflower.  (do you know how expensive produce is in Alaska?)

I mean come on… we have FREEZERS now-a-days!! There really isn't any excuse!

SPEAKING of freezers… let me list the ways ours is overstocked… discovered… with much laughter, teasing and smirking by my husband as we made room for his deer meat.

  • 3 packets of Costco size tortillas (and they were on my list to buy MORE!!)
  • 8 pounds of butter
  • 15 plus bananas… you know… I didn't let THOSE go to waste!! as Bryan says “all pigeon holed various places)
  • FREEZER BURNED… stuff… lamb,  etc. I was saving it for another lamb barley soup – you know… being thrifty!!
  • a PACKET of chicken breasts… saved BEFORE freezer burn!!! yippee!!
  • FOUR bits and pieces packets of bread… that is a lot of French Toast, or over night French Toast!! 🙂 See? thrifty I tell you!!!

So all in all… I saved the bread and bananas from the dump… give me some credit!

Advent – Week 1

I have so enjoyed being a part of the planning team for our worship services and learning what advent is all about.

Before we became part of this church startup I had never hardly heard of it… That may not be entirely true.  It is possible I just wasn't listening!!

Anyway, the last few years it has become a more and more precious time for me, and our family as we look forward and hope expectantly together.

This year our church is trying out some liturgical formats and utilizing some wonderful resources to help us plan our services.  We are reading a different creed together each week, lots of Scripture of course, some responsive reading, a big emphasis on communion, and just a few songs, chosen specifically to help us look forward…

Last week, we sang O Come O Come Emmanuel, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus (both of which we will sing each Sunday until Christmas Eve) and Better Is One Day… we talked much about waiting, and that we wait with expectation and hope… preparing our hearts…

The most BEAUTIFUL part of the service for me was after the teaching and saying the Nicene Creed together, we CELEBRATED the Eucharist (communion)

We had a beautiful table set up downw the front with the advent candle and wreath, and two low tables with candles, the cup and matzah bread to break and dip in the cup.  The tables were low enough for us to kneel at, and the picture on the screen was a beautiful staine glass window…

This created the most poignant scene of Christ worshippers, kneeling in submission and adoration, receiving communion, a united body… WOW it was awesome!! That ministered more to me than anything else that night!!