Monthly Archives: February 2008

Grown up Food

Last night we had over a couple from our home church.  We fed the kids early… soup and crackers… put them in their room with a book on tape… and ate, courtesy of Naked Chef, my mom and dad, Family Circle Farms, Fred Meyers grocery store, and the Camel Farm in Alice Springs, Australia…

Mushroom Risotto… oh… divine, thank you Naked Chef (first book)

Mixed Greens Salad (FCC) with chopped dates and walnuts (great idea Dad) and a raspberry vinaigrette.

Broiled bread and butter (FM clearance rack, frozen for such a time as this… the time when you forget you were going to make bread, so you have none)

Sticky Date Pudding with Toffee Sauce (recipe from the Camel Farm we visited 7 years ago)

And wine from South Australia.

And it just wasn’t enough to satisfy the grown up food cravings.  So this morning, the kids had cereal and we had…

Breakfast eggs with cheese, mushrooms, spinach, onions, garlic, tomatoes, bacon… I’ll have mine in a fresh made tortilla.  🙂

Good to better… in the dark

So I took Keenan to his audiologist to get new ear molds. He did great. Its so different no that he is old enough to SIT still… both ears at a time!! 🙂

  • He wanted camouflage ear molds.  And I only flinched a tiny little bit! 🙂 After all, he is the one who wears them. So camouflage ear molds it is, with royal blue casings (that would be the part that goes over the ear)… that doesn’t really match.  BUT new molds are hundreds, the casings are thousands, and they aren’t due to be replaced… so unmatched we are.
  • We raced to the elevator.
  • I opted to go along with his his game of darkness in the garage, and turning out the lights as we walked through the pitch black hallway… it was FUN! 🙂 I know… big deal. But its those things I often brush over and way “turn the light back on” – maybe even with an irritated edge to my voice. BUT not this time!!
  • I held Thaddeus for longer than usual in the middle of the night when he was coughing and I was medicating. And scratched his back. Unasked, as he went back to sleep.

Being the church on Tuesday nights

I loved this evening.  It reminds me of why I ‘fellowship’ where I do… or ‘hang’… or whatever.  Here are just a few things that come to mind.

We made pumpkin soup, and bought $0.50 packs of Valentine cookies, others brought bread, salad, and wine.  We ate, drank, laughed.  Held the new baby (our downstairs friends) one of the guys played swords with my boys before bed, we checked out a girl’s wedding dress options on the internet… moved slowly into the living room…

We prayed for each other.  We sang and prayed to God.  Had a beautiful time of worship and reading Scriptures that the Spirit brought to mind.

We studied the next section of the book of Mark.  Discussed blessed children, rich men, camels, persecution, context and the fact that with God all things ARE possible.  And are we WILLING to give up everything?

Closed in more prayer.  More talk and tea.  Handed out some ibuprofen.

And then people began trickling out the door…

I love these people.  I love being the church together with them.

Good getting Better.3.

Thad was the MOST thrilled child today as he was off on a play date.

  • I chose to cuddle him and smile him into a good attitude.  It worked! 🙂 It always does, I am not sure why I don’t do it more often!

Keenan enjoyed being the sole attention getter… not counting Shand when she was awake.

  • When I got home from dropping Thaddeus off, I told him I was thinking about him while I was out, and how much I loved him, and I couldn’t wait to get home and tell him.

Shand was ALL smiles and dances today.

  • I spent extra time giving loves and cuddles before naps, and extra time holding her and LOOKING into her eyes as we played and as I moved her from each no-no over and over through out the day.

Bryan got the lingering kiss and promise of more.  ‘Nuff said.

Father God got some time at the piano, meditating on His word and worship in song.  Its been a while since I’ve gotten to do that uninterrupted.  (as in I got 10 minutes… 🙂 )


Check out my header… that is my attempt to capture the rain against the window.  Which I have almost NEVER seen here, seeing as it is usually more of a drizzle.  Not a POURING rain with WIND accompanying.

It feels so incredibly beautiful out.  SPRING!! Except its a false hope.  Because it is only mid Feb.  There will be many more snows, and many more days of freezing weather.  Oh well. 🙂

Good getting better?

I… had a nap.  which at least made things good.  Which was a huge improvement!! 🙂

On a different note.  LENT.  Yes, Ash Wednesday is long gone… (2 weeks ago in fact) and what did I give up for LENT?  I was still thinking until today. (If there was any question, we know now I am not legalistic about this).

Sugar… in the processed, sweets, comfort food form.  Except for the creamer in my coffee.  (once again, not being legalistic about this).  I am not sure if I am doing this for God or for me.  Either way, it will be good.  And I have missed doing my Lent readings.  I only remembered last night.  SO I haven’t been missing them long 🙂  I’m meditating through the Thessalonian letters right now, and I’m finding them quite appropriate.

Life’s good moments getting better

So, I have been reading a few other people’s things… 15 minutes better (Owlhaven) and a couple others. I am so inconsistent, I hate to say I am GOING to do anything on the computer… BUT I will… YES I WILL… be looking for those good moments through out the day, and try making them better with a hug, a smile, and a lying down of my plans to join theirs. “Theirs” being the kiddos. Or Bryan. Just not mine. 🙂

So today.

  • Chocolate Milk for snack. its the little things… ok, its the SUGAR… that makes them smile!
  • Letting Keenan make his own taco.  I know… I’m a controller.
  • Letting Bryan sleep till after 5pm, (he works nights!) and having his home dinner AND his work dinner ready so he didn’t have to do even a little bit of it.
  • Letting Keenan put his own bubbles in and not gasping at the amount… once again… controlling mama.
  • Laughing with them as they show me “Bubble King” and “Bubble Monster”
  • Putting Shand in the tub with them and taking lots of pictures… now we have “Bubble Queens”!

My photo thingy on the computer that makes images smaller than double the size of your screen is… not on my computer any more??!  Hence, so few pics lately.  Otherwise I’d show a few to you.

Looking at my list.. its kind of chintzy.   Maybe tomorrow there’ll be more moments to make better.

things that make you go “hmmm”

Check out this link for a little thought provoking story. If you get a chance, tell me what you think.

Spiritual Warfare

It was a great “retreat” – that term is used rather loosely since it is REALLY leadership training time not a time for rest and relaxation! 🙂

God brought up some interesting things for me to think further about and mull over.  A lot of the mystery was taken out of it all for me.  Of course that brought up more questions. 🙂  I definitely don’t get it all… but I am ok with that.  It is a journey… one on which I am sure we’ll continue to uncover and discover more of God’s truths.

It was very balanced, and all the teaching that had lots of demonic warfare focused discussion was sandwiched in between praise and adoration of the King of Kings, and always set in the context of the Kingdom of God.

God did some great stuff, and obviously isn’t finished yet!  Thank goodness.  I have had a rough couple days.   The heaviness is lifting though.  And I hope for some Godly perspective now.

Ann Voskamp writes again at CWO, nailing it.  I am encourages, because I see improvement and slow change in my heart and in my actions and words.  Yet I have far far to go… so I continue seeking, and submitting, and confessing, and lathering grace on my self so I can smear it over my kids in place of my judgement.

Check it out.