Monthly Archives: January 2008

I have been uncovering a few new blogs…

it won’t mean I’ll stick with them a long time… but it is fun to read some new things.

I like this post from Soulperblog.  It just made me smile… and wish I wasn’t fasting.

How do you like your Bible?  I like mine with a cuppa (coffee or tea), and a few biccies for dunking. (cookies… since I’m in Aussie mode.   How do you spell that anyway?)

a great ad from Aussie land

that would be home to me. I stumbled across this ad on a fellow Aussie’s blog and it made me cry… can we say a little hormonal still from the whole pregnancy, short though it was?

I love lamb. I love Australia. I still call Australia home. (my dad would be proud… you might not get the ad if you aren’t Australian..)

do I have no deep thoughts?

or do I just not care to share them?

or am I too lazy to share them?  I did lead worship at a ladies retreat this weekend which was very relaxing, and exhausting.

Either way, there are about 5 loads  or clean unfolded laundry waiting for me.  (thank you husband – and I mean that… that isn’t sarcastic… really!)

So I guess I’ll go get busy, and leave you all to read some more interesting and inspiring. 🙂

Keenan’s 8th Birthday

And it’s a pirate theme… with the weather freezing us out of our outside sledding plans.  (0 degrees is not really good sledding weather unless we would like to disfigure the little pirate friends’ noses with frostbite)  15 children showed up… thank goodness a few stayed home with sickness and such, although, all the sick ones were his favorite friends… never mind.

Click on the link for picture of the pirate’s boat… on calm seas.  The plan was to have it riding on a big wave… but… well… I ran out of time and initiative.


And here is Keenan and I… my big 8 yr old… its amazing.  Wow, I was missing his twin Hewett a lot this day!!


Sorry there is only links to the pics… the whole picture doesn’t fir on here, and since our computer crashed and has come back to us, the photo dodad program isn’t on there, so I can’t mess with it and make it small enough to be on the blog… ok.  too much info! 🙂

i love my boys

They are currently watching The Magic Flute in English, singing along to all the boy parts 🙂  The real one, not the kids version… although its a kids opera really anyway… 🙂  This is wonderful version we stumbled upon on PBS last year, and my kids sat through the WHOLE thing… we caught all of it but the first 5 minutes on tape.

This follows a morning of vicious sword fights.   I am not worried about their masculinity.

Baby names…

So we have decided to name the baby Judah.  Which means praise.  I always feel bad using a name that a friend has already used on their child… 🙂 sorry Molly.  Here is the story.

A guy in our cell church got a “word” from God… God told him we would lose a child and we should praise God through it.  At that point he didn’t know we were pregnant, so he was a little concerned what to do with that information! So he prayed for us.  and then I miscarried, and we told every one, and he told me what God had told him a few days later… on the day when I needed to hear it the most.  I love God’s timing.  I love the body of Christ, and how the Spirit gives out His gifts to His children.

Be blessed.



 I know, SURPRISE…. I was pregnant.  
Thursday I was 11 weeks by my calculations… which typically are a week less than ultrasounds show. 
I was due for my first appointment next week. Bryan took Thursday night off work so I could rest.  I am so SO very thankful as he was there when I started cramping and miscarried early Friday morning.
I had no idea just how physically painful a miscarriage would be.  So… as surprised and overwhelming as it was to discover I was pregnant with Shand being only 5 months old, the anticipation was building and we were excited over all the new challenges and fun and chaos this new baby would bring.

The neat thing is how God has been preparing me.  All of my quiet times in Scripture and books I have been reading lately, and a message or two I have listened to, have been pointing to and affirming my partnership with Christ and our relationship, and His sovereignty and me trusting and being willing to go anywhere, through anything holding His hand.
So I have been moving surrounded by His peace… the kids memory verse that Thad was singing on Thursday was burnt
on my brain for upcoming sleepless night… “Don’t be anxious about anything, BUT in everything… by prayer AND petition… WITH thanksgiving present your requests to God.  THEN THEN… the PEACE of GOD, which transcends all understanding, will GUARD YOUR HEART AND YOUR MIND in Christ Jesus.”
Peace in Jesus… It seems to have been the theme of the year since the last Dunamis retreat.
Last night, tired and weary though I was, we decided to go to the Dunamis leadership meeting (which we are part of because I am leading worship again for the next retreat).  It was incredible.  One of the ladies is SUCH a spiritual / and physical mother figure… it is the role God seems to have for her in these places.  So that was special… how God provides that when my  mom is so far.  And they prayed Scriptures and promises and words all over me… it was beautiful.  I love LOVE the body of Christ.  And I love God… His goodness and faithfullness.
We are back on-line after a broken computer left us internetless for a while… I have missed chatting and catching up with all of you.  It will take me a while to get back around to visit with all of you.  If there’s any big news I missed, let me know 🙂