Monthly Archives: June 2009

A Couple Funnies from the Boys

Keenan has been mixing up many words lately.  I love it as they expand their vocabulary.

Here is a fun one… stupid and dumb are opposite… I mean RELATIVE!


AND some good news for us… a conversation overheard…

Keenan: I know you did.  I can see what you are thinking.

Thaddeus:  You can not!!  only parents can read my mind.


There are so many  more… but they happen through the day, and by the time I sit down, I can’t remember them anymore.  even long enough to tell Bryan when he gets home.

Time Management: Psalm 145

“Everyday I will bless You”

  • Every. day. In the little things. In the big things. Not just when I have had enough sleep.  Not just when my children listen to me.

“One generation will praise Your name to another and will declare Your mighty acts”

  • I, the mama, will praise Your name to my children, and I will tell them of the work You are doing in my heart, and in the tribal works we receive updates from, and in the testimonies we hear at church, and EAGERLY tell of God’s hand in my life in my past, and of Your fascinating character, and the riches of Your grace…
  • I will spend time meditating and exuberantly singing of Your glorious splendor, and Your beauty, and Your marvelous works, and the memories of Your direction and Your mercy in my life, and Your holiness, and Your kingdom here and Your coming…

overdue pictures

I love this picture.  It captures a face we see often…

June 2009 003

Also what we see often… Shand in her play pen… where we lay her during the day often… Shand trying to dress her!

June 2009 007

check out the hair!!

June 2009 026

Keenan back from camp… both of them so very silly excited. this is the least goofiest pic I got.

June 2009 052

Again… Talia determinied to sleep against all odds

June 2009 063

the mohawk the boys have always wanted…

June 2009 073

June 2009 093

we went to the Renaissance Festival – Three Barons Fair… legos – out. swords, knights & fighting – in! Keenan cut out a mask and sticky  taped it to his face!

June 2009 099

Its so hard to capture a good smile… she smiles a lot but always while moving!

June 2009 136

Shand looking beautiful.

June 2009 107

last one. Talia in a deep sleep… looking just like Hewett, Keenan’s twin who passed away… its blurry, but we’ll keep it anyway… I walked past her sleeping and mt heart jumped when i saw her.

June 2009 141

SO there is a few pics… i so need a new camera… ours is taking more crappy pics than good.

more giveaways

I don’t usually do these… but I guess I am hoping to get lucky!

Funky Artist Paint set

Jack and Lily sandals

Seventh Generation giveaway

Go visit and if I don’t win, maybe you will!

A Day with Just the Girls

Absolutely at a loss… NO IDEA what to do with myself.

Bryan took the boys camping (they could not be swayed to tent in the living room even though it POURED rain the night before and it was windy, cloudy and forecasting rain).

And there I was with the two little girls…

Next time, I think I’ll plan some stuff and have some things in mind to do with Shand.

I’m sure it would have helped had Talia not had tummy aches all day.  I wonder if it was the brownies… I might need to cut out chocolate.  Sad.  But I will.

Pics coming.

Check out the giveaway at Gobs of Giveaways

cool sight with some cool giveaways… if you have time to do all the stuff.  I thought I would for this one, since its a toy my little girls would love!

Gobs of Giveaways

lessons from kids camp

if i just let the boys wear the same clothes all week, and skipped showers, it would not only save on the water / electricity / gas bill, but my time in doing laundry and cleaning the showers.

he actually looked very healthy and handsome in his stinky grime!

Time Management 1

The hassle with being a better manager of your time is making the decisions about what is now most important and what is no longer as important.  But if you will ask God what He’d remove if it were His life, He would gladly tell you.” Bob & Michael Benson,  Disciplines for the Inner Life

The question then is… am I ready to ask and LISTEN to the answer?

Kids Camp


First time.

Exhuberant and excited 4th grader.

Sad and nervous mama.