Monthly Archives: September 2009

1000 gifts… more and more…

some of the list…

31. husband praying over me in bed before he leaves for work.

34. late evening walk in rain from the library with the 4 children

35. i-pod for worship

36. a nap with fussy baby

39. 2 yr old sharing baking spoon with dog… sweet even if gross

40. an email from a friend, having just read Peace Child, reminding me of my upbringing in New Guinea.

41. golden sunshine

44. let-down, nourishing goodness for baby

45. late night cuddles in bed with eldest

46. flowers from a friend’s garden

48. warm sun on bare skin while nursing

49. 2nd boy riding bike with no training wheels

50.  baby blowing raspberries

52. clean and rearranged bedroom space

53. smell of home made bread 54. 2 yr old sweet phrases “wa sa ma’er mom?”

55. late night sweet treats… hurrah for sweetened condensed milk!

56. buddy passes for the fair making it almost affordable

57. brothers teaming up tol help each other on the scary rides.

58. eldest miracle baby… tall enough for the big boy rides!!

1000 gifts of grace…

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21. A washing machine inside our home

22. Shand (2yr) in swing, pure joy

23. making butter… and being thankful we can buy it at the store!

24. blackbeans and cumin

25. Bryan’s dad, helping to replace the motor on the boiler

26. husband suggesting a road trip to Hope for lunch. (yes, even though it is 1 1/2 drive there!)

27. in-laws tag along and take boys in their car. a relatively quiet 3 hours total of OUR time

28. amazing chicken / black bean / spanish rice wrap that I didn’t make

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29. fierce wind buffeting kit, boys trying to control it, marveling…

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30. dinner at the church… my clean kitchen!

August 2009 130 Shand, hands on hips, unimpressed by the dead fish littering the beach. ( it’s  a salmon thing)

1000 gifts continued

11. Cinnamon rolls. even the nasty kind from Fred Meyers. I’m glad my family likes mine better… but glad we can buy them sometimes too.

12. fresh rain

13. my church family – Souljourn

14. children wanting to worship

15. Jesus desiring me

16. friends to get free advice from regarding our boiler.

17. fresh new baby fingers

18. patient husband

19. 20 minutes of sunshine to break the monotony

20. lying on the floor ‘wasting time’ with the boys

1000 gifts of grace…

1. sunshine again… the promise of the end of summer warmth… even in Anchorage

2. a vehicle to drive to a little lake with ducks… fresh air & comical birds

3. good friends just a phone call away although there are miles between us

4. GOD’S grace, abundant enough to cover my laziness and frustration and depression. abundant enough to turn it around.

5. a good book to escape with… nap time (A TREE GROW IN BROOKLYN)

6. Fresh Coffee

7. My VanGogh mugs

8. A daddy who is SO involved with his children – he took the boys to Supercharged Science all day last Saturday.

9. my 2 yr olds new display of manners- spontaneous thank-yous.

10. warm sunshine in the sun room… HAVING a sun room, whether it is picked up and clean or not!