Category Archives: PROJECT 365

Day 4

25. dirt lined bathtub from active girls

26. Shand kissing Zeke… over and over and over…

27. catching up with a friend from long ago…

28. Talia freaking out every time Zeke fusses

29. Blessings – Laura Story

30. cheap pizza after a LONG day

Day 3


15. two big climbing trees

16. cool wind blowing most of the morning

17. lost pacifier found

18. cool nights

19. surprise ‘bullets’ (chocolate covered licorice) from my mom

20. Talia’s fat soft cheeks

21. lavender essential oil for mosquito bites

22. breastfeeding

23. inexpensive bike pump

24. Jesus Storybook Bible

Day 2


7. Mom and Dad’s POOL

8. Kiddos increasing confidence in the water

9. Grace and forgiveness from my children after mama’s meltdown

10. Keenan’s statement “It’s ok.  I can take it Mom”

11. Thadd and his never ending super-hero-ness and goofiness

12. Shand trying so hard to gain control over her tears… and don’t I understand!!

13. Talia patting her pillow for me to lie down

14. Zeke and his milk-drunk face

I think I need a new way of uploading pics.  I also need to learn the photo shop thingy…

Happy Anniversary – PROJECT 365

I got a new camera before the new baby was born (more on that later!!)  And I am trying to figure out how to use it, how to challenge myself in a fun no pressure way, how get better and get great shots of my kiddos…

AND SO I am going to document our 14th year of marriage… Our 13th anniversary was the 28th, we are in a new country (as of 5 months ago – Australia), we have a new baby (our 5th living)

Mixed in with my 365 days of pics, will be my GIFTS LIST.  In other words, there won’t be only one pic a day… but not every gift will be captured in a picture either.

Here is the intro pic… I didn’t actually take it either!  And quite frankly, I don’t like seeing all the extra pounds it shows… just a wee bit of pride rearing its head.

We spent the evening at the night before at Preston Beach, courtesy of my mom and dad… we mostly slept! 🙂  It was lovely to have only the 3 wk old’s interruptions and not the other four’s… 🙂


1. my husband, Bryan

2. my mom’s generosity / gift of the night at a hotel

3. beautiful sunshine, beautiful waves, beautiful sand

4. my  Moby Wrap

5. waves a little bigger than you think giving legs a sandy wash

6. wine and cheese